Private lab finds cancer-causing chemical in certain acne products

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Private lab finds cancer-causing chemical in certain acne products

A new report finds certain acne treatments, including Proactive and Clearasil, contain “unacceptably high levels” of the cancer-causing chemical benzene. Independent laboratory Valisure found benzene formed in acne products containing benzoyl peroxide. Photo courtesy of Valisure

A new report finds certain acne treatments, including Proactive and Clearasil, contain “unacceptably high levels” of the cancer-causing chemical benzene.

Independent laboratory Valisure found high levels of benzene formed in acne products containing benzoyl peroxide, according to a report released Wednesday. Benzene is a known human carcinogen that is linked to leukemia and other blood disorders. It is commonly used as a solvent with trace amounts found in cigarette smoke, gasoline, glues, adhesives, cleaning products and paint strippers.

Valisure tested dozens of prescription and over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide products and found that they were “fundamentally unstable and can generate unacceptably high levels of benzene when handled or stored at higher temperatures.”

Valisure said in a statement that “Benzene can be produced in the product itself and potentially escape into the surrounding air.”

According to Valisure’s findings on benzoyl peroxide acne treatments, benzene formed more than 800 times the “conditionally restricted” concentration limit, set by the Food and Drug Administration.

On Tuesday, the lab sent a citizen petition to the FDA to recall the affected acne treatments, following analysis of 175 products. Of the 99 that contained benzoyl peroxide, benzene was detected in 94.

“The agency acts on information provided from a variety of sources, such as that provided by Valisure, but such data must be verified as accurate and reproducible before it can be utilized to make regulatory decisions such as recommending product sale suspensions and recalls,” the FDA said in a response Wednesday.

The FDA has already recalled certain hand sanitizers and aerosol drug products due to benzene contamination, which Valisure called “substantially different.”

“This discovery of benzoyl peroxide’s fundamental instability and formation of benzene is substantially different than Valisure’s previous findings of benzene in sunscreens, hand sanitizers and other consumer products,” David Light, Valisure’s co-founder and president, said in a statement Wednesday.

“The benzene we found in sunscreens and other consumer products were impurities that came from contaminated ingredients. However, the benzene in benzoyl peroxide products is coming from the benzoyl peroxide itself,” Light warned.

“This means the problem broadly affects benzoyl peroxide products, both prescription and over-the-counter, and necessitates urgent action.”


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